VETPLANT ( fat plant) is a work in progress – a series of succulent photographs taken in my studio. My approach is formal – not unl ike that of a por trai t photographer – by using control led l ight ing and a f lat , neutral background, I tr y to capture and dramat ize the character of the plant . I am inspired by the sheer beauty of the plants and am more interested in capturing their sensual and sculptural shapes than their blooms. Succulents are symbols of opt imism – they embody nature’s evolvement in overcoming adversi ty. They are tough and resi l ient , able to adapt to sur vive the harshest possible condi t ions – they not only persist in the face of hardship, they f lourish. Therein l ies a lesson from the aloes. Jac de Vi l l iers Thanks to André & Corné of Riebeeck Valley Garden Centre VE T P LANT